About Prendi il Biscotto

Welcome to Prendi il Biscotto, which translates to ‘Take the biscuit”. We produce authentic, artisan Italian biscuits and sweet treats, using the finest ingredients.

Inspiration for Prendi il Biscotto can be traced back to my childhood memories of traveling throughout Italy by train, on family holidays, where I sampled all the fantastic food Italy has to offer.

I aim to capture, not only the authentic taste but the entire experience I had when first sampling these biscuits in the products I create, and my own personal childhood experiences are the inspiration for my business.

I can offer you a bespoke package, selected from our full range of handmade authentic Italian biscuits and cannoli and provide you with an alternative option to a traditional wedding cake and wedding favours for your guests.

Our cannoli and biscotto tiered towers make a striking and delicious centre piece to a wedding desert table and will be remembered long after your special day has passed. I can also offer an additional floral service to decorate the display to tie in with your chosen colour theme.

Our products are suitable for most dietary needs, and most can be made gluten free or suitable for a vegan diet.

So why wouldn’t you……Prendi il Biscotto?

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    Message From

    Prendi il Biscotto

    Hi I am Mark, owner of Prendi il Biscotto. My aim is to produce authentic tasting Italian biscuits and cannoli and to provide you with a culinary experience rarely found outside of Italy. I have a passion for all Italian food and when I am not baking, I can often be found making my own pasta and pizza dishes. I love to travel and try to visit Italy as often as I can, bringing back new authentic recipes to add to my range. If you are looking for an alternative to the more traditional wedding cake or wedding favours for your guests, then we have a range of bespoke packages for you to choose from. Contact us to arrange a consultation and to find out more.
    Mark Bedford